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Different Learning Style Preferences
Different Learning Style Preferences

A big fan of learning? Your experience at Turing College might be too different from what you're used to. Read more here.

Updated over 8 months ago

Why was my application rejected? πŸ€”

During your application, we do our best to evaluate your understanding and alignment with our unique learning methodology.

While doing so, it became apparent that there were some gaps in your understanding of our educational approach. At Turing College, we employ a specific learning methodology that requires a high degree of engagement, self-directed learning, and incredible self-discipline. To maximize your success in the program, you must fully grasp how demanding learning at Turing College is and be prepared for this approach.

What should I do to improve? πŸ“š

We encourage you to take some time to familiarize yourself with our learning methodology and consider how it aligns with your educational preferences and learning style. Should you gain a clearer understanding and feel more prepared for our approach in the future, we welcome you to reapply.

See How Learning Works and Self-Paced Learning for some insight to what you can expect at Turing College.

When can I reapply? ⏳

To ensure you have sufficient time to explore a more ambiguous but highly disciplined learning style, we can only accept a new application 3 months after your rejection.

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